As per the Body constitution ( Prakruti) skin type is determined.
There are mainly three types of skin type as per ayurveda:-
Dry, rough, cold to touch, premature wrinkles, early skin aging, these are the few signs of vata skin.
Fair, reddish, could easily be affected by sun or heat,sensitive, oily, acne prone, these are the few signs of pitta skin.
Smooth, moist, large pores, oily, pale, prone to blackheads/whiteheads, these are the few signs of kapha skin.
Ayurveda has the power to rejuvenate new skin should never go for any products containing chemicals in it we are dealing with many patients who comes up with hyperpigmentation, acne, boils and also those who r suffering side effects after discontinuation of the usage of chemical product creams, face wash etc
We prepare customised skin care products as per the prakruti of patient.
Few of our products like mahamanjishthadi chandanadi tailam, chandan lodhradi face pack ,kumkumaadi cream has shown excellent results in our patients also our first skin treatment regime starts with detoxification, it flushes out all impurities and toxins from blood ultimately new rejuvenated skin cells, de-pigmentation, completely healthy and naturally shining skin, one can get through pure ayurveda treatment.
You can also consult us medicines would be prepared according to the complete history and body constitution (prakruti) or skin type of patient.